
An Advanced Guide to the Modern Slavery Act for Criminal Practitioners - With Caroline Haughey OBE KC

Advanced: Requires substantial subject knowledge
2 hours
Group bookings
email us to discuss discounts for 5+ delegates
An Advanced Guide to the Modern Slavery Act for Criminal Practitioners - With Caroline Haughey OBE KC


12 May 2025

9:00 AM ‐ 11:00 AM

With a SmartPlan £153

With a Season Ticket £170

Standard price £340

All prices exclude VAT


Human trafficking, labour exploitation and modern slavery offending is one of the largest growth areas of criminality both internationally and domestically. Modern slavery has grown to include County Lines offending as well as the more conventional issues of forced labour and sex trafficking.

This, coupled with exponential growth in the application of the section 45 defence and development of Court of Appeal jurisprudence, has resulted in a knowledge vacuum both for prosecutors and defenders. This virtual classroom seminar will guide you through the law, its application and its development identifying the key cases to consider and the direction of judicial thinking.

The seminar will focus on identifying victims of modern slavery - the questions to ask, the agencies to engage with and the strategic avenues to be explored. Early identification is key, and particularly so if the Nationalities and Borders Bill is to be enacted, that coupled with the limited resources available in the criminal justice system means that an understanding of ‘who can help’ is vital.

A further focus of the session will be on defending modern slavery/trafficking allegations including the disclosure requests to make, the evidence to explore and the nuances of internationally obtained evidence.

The session will conclude with a light touch guide to civil orders and their application under the Act.

What You Will Learn

This live broadcast will cover the following:

  • MSA 2015 sections 1 - 5 - interpretation, application and current case law
  • Section 45 - how and when to deploy and strategic evidence deployment
  • Disclosure and international evidence
  • New sentencing guidelines and case law
  • Civil orders - STPO’S - terms and enforcement

Recording of live sessions: Soon after the Learn Live session has taken place you will be able to go back and access the recording - should you wish to revisit the material discussed.

An Advanced Guide to the Modern Slavery Act for Criminal Practitioners - With Caroline Haughey OBE KC