
‘Boiling the Frog’ - How To Be Successful in Sponsoring Change Projects

Intermediate: Requires some prior subject knowledge
1.25 hours
Access for entire organisation
‘Boiling the Frog’ - How To Be Successful in Sponsoring Change Projects

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70% of organisations have suffered at least one major project failure in the past 12 months and 33% of projects fail due to lack of effective senior management sponsorship. Yet organisations still expect project sponsorship to somehow emerge at more senior levels, without sufficient investment in coaching and training.

Senior professionals and technicians are often gifted healthy change budgets and armies of project people to somehow manage towards a complex, time and cost dependent outcome, without any education in what it takes to be a successful sponsor of change.

This webinar will help you determine if you are the right person to sponsor a change programme and how to know for sure. Consideration will also be given to the following:

  • Why projects and programmes commonly fail - and how to spot the warning signs
  • Keeping your stakeholders in line - and the role of your steering group in decision making
  • Avoiding roadblocks and ‘project treacle’
  • Summary execution - how monthly and weekly reporting hierarchies confuse the message
  • Certainty v uncertainty - and how to deal with it when negotiating with stakeholders
  • Boiling the frog - how incremental decisions and indecision can kill your change programme
  • Can you ‘handle the truth’? - if not, don’t be a project sponsor!

What You Will Learn

This webinar will cover the following:

  • The top 10 things expected of you as a sponsor of change
  • How to run an effective change steering group that gets things done
  • The role of emotion in decision making & which day of the week gets the best decisions!
  • A simple yet highly effective tool to help you and the project manager manage your stakeholders
  • A simple sponsor diagnostic of the key questions you must ask your change programme to determine its health

This webinar was recorded on 15th November 2021

You can gain access to this webinar and 1,700+ others via the MBL Webinar Subscription. Please email webinarsubscription@mblseminars.com for more details.

‘Boiling the Frog’ - How To Be Successful in Sponsoring Change Projects