Competition Law for Commercial Contracts Lawyers - An Essential Guide
This virtual classroom seminar will accommodate commercial lawyers who have had no or little exposure to EU and/or UK competition rules but would like to be able to identify related issues and deal with them when drafting and/or negotiating distribution and other agreements successfully.
An A-Z approach, split over two sessions, will enable participants to fully grasp this complex area of the law so that they feel empowered to deal with the most common competition pitfalls in a legally compliant and commercially successful manner.
This live session will focus on the most common forms of commercial agreements (agency, distribution, certain forms of vertical joint ventures) and how they are treated under EU and UK competition rules.
To prevent creeping illegality, but also to use any new leeway, commercial lawyers, whether in-house or in practice, should learn how to navigate through this complex area of the law when drafting or reviewing commercial agreements.
This live session is presented by Dr Alexandra von Westernhagen, EU/Competition Partner at Keystone Law in London. Alexandra is dual-qualified in England & Wales as well as Germany and has more than 20 years of relevant experience, gained at UK level and in four EU Member State jurisdictions, including Brussels.
What You Will Learn
This live and interactive course will cover the following:
- What are competition rules and when do they apply?
- Agents, distributors and resellers - what's the difference from a competition law perspective?
- Types of distribution arrangements (exclusive, sole, non-exclusive and selective)
- Scope of Article 101 Treaty of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU
- Scope of the Chapter 1 Prohibition of the Competition Act 1998
- The most important exemptions under the current EU VBER/retained UK VBER
- Dos and don’ts under the EU VBER - the most common pitfalls
- Dos and don’ts under the UK Order
- Comparison revised EU VBER - UK Order
- Case studies on the most important competition pitfalls for UK and/or EU distribution agreements
Recording of live sessions: Soon after the Learn Live session has taken place you will be able to go back and access the recording - should you wish to revisit the material discussed.