
Contentious Probate - Avoiding Disputes, Pitfalls & Traps

Intermediate: Requires some prior subject knowledge
1.5 hours
Group bookings
email us to discuss discounts for 5+ delegates
Contentious Probate - Avoiding Disputes, Pitfalls & Traps


12 May 2025

9:00 AM ‐ 10:30 AM

With a SmartPlan £153

With a Season Ticket £170

Standard price £340

All prices exclude VAT


Contentious probate disputes have increased in number in the past several years as litigants become more willing to engage in disputes over estates.

A good knowledge of this area of law is essential to be able to act for the growing number of litigants.

This new virtual classroom seminar is suitable for lawyers who already have some knowledge of contentious probate disputes and are keen to expand on this.

What You Will Learn

This live and interactive course will cover the following:

  • How to avoid a dispute during the testator’s life - the golden rule and more
  • Larke v Nugus letters
  • Caveats - how to use them and how to respond
  • Pre-action negotiations - when is it appropriate to mediate?
  • When, where and how to issue

Recording of live sessions: Soon after the Learn Live session has taken place you will be able to go back and access the recording - should you wish to revisit the material discussed.

Contentious Probate - Avoiding Disputes, Pitfalls & Traps