
Family Law Update - Caselaw, Practice Procedure & Regulatory Issues

Family Law Update - Caselaw, Practice Procedure & Regulatory Issues

Select a date

11 Dec 2024 - London
13 Jan 2025 - Birmingham
23 Jun 2025 - London


11 Dec 2024

9:30 AM ‐ 4:00 PM


13 Jan 2025

9:30 AM ‐ 4:00 PM


23 Jun 2025

9:30 AM ‐ 4:00 PM

With a SmartPlan £486

With a Season Ticket £540

Standard price £720

All prices exclude VAT
Update: Requires no prior subject knowledge
5 hours
Can't make the date?
Group bookings
email us to discuss discounts for 5+ delegates


This course is for busy family law practitioners. It covers a wide range of topics including caselaw updates plus practice, procedure and regulatory issues.

What You Will Learn

This course will cover the following:


  • Divorce law since implementation
  • How has it changed the way we run divorce cases?
  • Position with costs
  • Sole and Joint Applications
  • Common errors and developments

Financial Remedy Orders

  • Caselaw update
  • Conduct and litigation misconduct
  • Maintenance and Periodical Payments
  • Special Contribution Arguments
  • Costs

Private Children Law

  • Child Arrangements Orders - methods of enforcement
  • PD12J: When is a Fact Finding Hearing necessary?
  • Vulnerable witnesses
  • Scott Schedules and Narrative Statements
  • Restrictions on parental responsibility
  • Pathfinder Pilot

Domestic Abuse Law and Practice

  • Caselaw update
  • Domestic Abuse Act 2021 Key Developments
  • Cross Examination and DAPO’s


  • Use of TOLATA
  • Use of Schedule 1 CA 1989
  • Key caselaw developments

Public Children Law

  • Caselaw update
  • Fact finding hearings
  • Contact with/end of contact with a child in care
  • Special Guardianship Orders
  • Dol Orders and Secure Accommodation

Adoption and Placement Orders

  • Placement Orders
  • Leave to Revoke Placement Orders and Leave to Oppose Adoption Orders

Family Law Update - Caselaw, Practice Procedure & Regulatory Issues