Negotiating & Managing R&D Collaboration Agreements - Live At Your Desk
Not all IP can be developed in-house, and so research and development (‘R&D’) collaborations can be key.
What rights should you be entitled to from an R&D collaboration and how do you resolve the tensions between the funders of research and those carrying out the research? This can be particularly sensitive for charitable and publicly funded organisations, such as universities.
This virtual classroom seminar will discuss these and other issues, including the impact of the new Unitary Patent (‘UP’). The session assumes that you have a knowledge of contract law as well as a high-level knowledge of the different types of IP that can exist, mainly patents, know-how and copyright.
What You Will Learn
This live and interactive session will cover the following:
- Issues around the costing of research contracts, including full economic cost
- Key research management issues e.g., responsibilities, timetable, people, facilities, reporting
- What are background IP and foreground IP?
- How to decide who should own IP arising from R&D as well as licences/access rights and joint ownership issues
- What happens if the key researcher moves on
- Certain standard agreements and what can be varied in them e.g., Lambert Agreements, Horizon Europe Consortium Agreements
- Requirements for the dissemination of results
Recording of live sessions: Soon after the Learn Live session has taken place you will be able to go back and access the recording - should you wish to revisit the material discussed.