Non Court Dispute Resolution in Practice - A Guide for Family Lawyers
This webinar is valuable in knowing and understanding more about non-court dispute resolution following the change in the court rules as of 29 April 2024, which impose duties on the court to make sure that opportunities to settle matters have not been overlooked, and which require parties to file open statements of their position on attempts to make use of non-court processes, with costs orders now being made for breach of these rules.
Solicitors will have a wider knowledge of the options open to them (beyond mediation and arbitration) and their clients in this regard and how they can still be very much part of the out of court processes so that their clients feel fully supported throughout, whilst hopefully saving costs and stress. It is now not an option for family solicitors to issue applications with the court without giving proper consideration as to the out of court processes that might be suited to their clients.
You will learn how best to serve the needs of your clients and learn about all of the various options available, some of which you might never have heard of or thought about or realise could be undertaken in different ways that might be appropriate for your clients.
What You Will Learn
This webinar will cover the following:
- Collaborative practice
- Negotiations and round table meetings
- Early neutral evaluation and Private FDRs
- All forms of mediation including supported mediation with solicitors
- Mediation - Arbitration
- Arbitration
This pre-recorded webinar will be available to view from Thursday 3rd July 2025
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