
Patentability & Machine Learning - Opportunities & Obstacles

Update: Requires no prior subject knowledge
1.5 hours
Group bookings
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Patentability & Machine Learning - Opportunities & Obstacles

Date to be confirmed

With a SmartPlan £153

With a Season Ticket £170

Standard price £340

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Machine learning is rapidly becoming prevalent across all areas of technology.

From increasing crop yields to improving building design, many areas of business can be improved through the introduction of machine learning algorithms.

From a patent perspective, it can be challenging to find the right form of protection for machine learning and it is well known that patenting software-based inventions can be difficult in the UK and Europe.

However, there are opportunities for patent protection for the right kind of inventions.

This new virtual classroom seminar will examine the current position in the UK and Europe regarding software-based inventions in several different technological fields including the latest from the EPO that relates to the protection of machine learning to identify emerging trends and points of best practice.

The session will include detailed discussions of the current legal position, with worked examples of successful and unsuccessful claims, approaches, and arguments.

You should have at least a basic understanding of patent law surrounding computer implemented inventions before attending this session.

What You Will Learn

This live and interactive session will cover the following:

  • Current approaches of the EPO, UKIPO and UK courts in respect of patent applications that involve software-implemented inventions
  • Current guidance from the EPO and UKIPO on machine learning in particular
  • A review of recent EPO Board of Appeal decisions that discuss machine learning, and the impact of Enlarged Board of Appeal decision G1/19
  • Drafting tips for patent applications involving machine learning

Recording of live sessions: Soon after the Learn Live session has taken place you will be able to go back and access the recording - should you wish to revisit the material discussed.

Patentability & Machine Learning - Opportunities & Obstacles