
Planning & Tactics for IHT - The Nuts & Bolts

Planning & Tactics for IHT - The Nuts & Bolts


9 Dec 2024

9:00 AM ‐ 12:00 PM

With a SmartPlan £144

With a Season Ticket £160

Standard price £320

All prices exclude VAT
Introduction: Requires no prior subject knowledge
3 hours
Group bookings
email us to discuss discounts for 5+ delegates


The IHT nil rate band has been the same since 2009.

Given inflation, this means that more and more estates are being drawn into the net of IHT and as such, planning for IHT exposure is becoming so much more important to so many PRs and estates.

This virtual classroom seminar will look at useful IHT planning tactics that clients may be able to take advantage of in order to reduce their long-term exposure to IHT.

What You Will Learn

This live and interactive course will cover the following:

  • Liability to IHT - residence and domicile
  • Situs of assets
  • Excluded property
  • Summary of IHT implications on gifting in life
  • PETs and CLTs
  • Taper relief
  • Ignored and exempt transfers including APR and BPR
  • Exempt transfers
  • Opportunities to gift with at least 7 years of life remaining
  • Opportunities to gift with at least 2-5 years of life remaining
  • Death bed gifting
  • Summary of IHT implications on gifting in death
  • Ignored and exempt transfers including APR and BPR
  • The transferable NRB
  • The residence NRB
  • Gifting to charity

Recording of live sessions: Soon after the Learn Live session has taken place you will be able to go back and access the recording - should you wish to revisit the material discussed.

Planning & Tactics for IHT - The Nuts & Bolts