Powers of Attorney Act 2023 - The Current Position
This new full-day course will explore how Lasting Powers of Attorney will be made once the 2023 Act is in force and what advice you will need to give to clients.
The course will look at what to do if there is an immaterial mistake in an LPA, or how to rectify an LPA where there are other issues post registration, e.g. how to deal with instructions in the LPA - especially those written without the benefit of legal advice.
It will also provide an update on how LPAs are activated, along with practical tips on how best they can be used, especially with regards to property and finance.
What You Will Learn
This course will cover the following:
- What making LPAs looks like after the Powers of Attorney Act is in force
- How to deal with minor issues that need to be addressed
- What to advise your clients as to how and when an LPA can be activated by their attorneys
- What advice to provide to lay attorneys on when and how to act