
Searches & Enquiries in Real Estate Transactions - Demystifying Due Diligence

Searches & Enquiries in Real Estate Transactions - Demystifying Due Diligence

Available to view from 18 Dec 2024

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With a Season Ticket £198

Standard price £396

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Update: Requires no prior subject knowledge
1.25 hours
Access for entire organisation


In any real estate transaction, there is a huge array of searches and enquiries which can be raised.

Carrying out thorough due diligence will mean that your client will be in a position to make an informed decision about whether the site is suitable for their purposes. In some cases, the search results may mean that your client is able to negotiate a reduction in the purchase price. Sometimes the results of the due diligence exercise will result in your client walking away from the deal, now they know what pitfalls they may encounter. For example, the due diligence exercise may show that the site is completely unsuitable for the development that your client had in mind.

This webinar seeks to demystify the due diligence process and to help you identify which searches are worth doing, how best to report to your client on the results, the limitations of some searches and what more can be done to find out about the site and the locality, so your client is able to make an informed decision about the transaction.

What You Will Learn

This webinar will cover the following:

  • Searches - navigating your way through the maze; which searches should you do?
  • Climate change - the latest Law Society guidance for conveyancers
  • Chancel repair searches - are they still needed?
  • The shortcomings of the 'local' search and what to do to address them; a hidden trap for developers
  • CPSEs - which to use; traps and pitfalls when replying to them
  • Delaying factors - such as asbestos, knotweed, bats, badgers, newts, rights of reverter
  • Land Registry - making the most of what's available (and some lesser-known services that might be very useful)
  • Other online services that can provide additional due diligence about the site
  • Boundaries and plans - getting them right
  • Town and village greens - how may they affect the site
  • Assets of community value - points to consider
  • Reporting to your client

This pre-recorded webinar will be available to view from Wednesday 18th December 2024

Alternatively, you can gain access to this webinar and 1,700+ others via the MBL Webinar Subscription. Please email webinarsubscription@mblseminars.com for more details.

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Searches & Enquiries in Real Estate Transactions - Demystifying Due Diligence