
SRA AML Annual Report 2023-24 - Facts, Figures & Findings!

SRA AML Annual Report 2023-24 - Facts, Figures & Findings!


12 Nov 2024

1:30 PM ‐ 3:30 PM

With a SmartPlan £144

With a Season Ticket £160

Standard price £320

All prices exclude VAT
Update: Requires no prior subject knowledge
2 hours
Group bookings
email us to discuss discounts for 5+ delegates


It is coming up to that time of year again as we await the release of the SRA AML Annual Report 2023-24.

In a year where we have seen so many law firms fined for AML failings this report will make for an interesting read looking at the facts, figures and findings of the SRA thematic reviews and law firm visits.

What can we expect this year? Have we improved in our compliance with the money laundering regulations? What percentage of our firms are fully compliant? Has there been improvements in key areas such as client and matter risk assessments?

This virtual classroom seminar will help you to identify areas of concern that you can improve on should you be visited by the SRA.

This session is suitable for MLROs, MLCOs, deputy MLROs, compliance team members and anyone else in your firm seeking to improve their knowledge in AML.

What You Will Learn

This live & interactive session will cover the following:

  • A brief introduction to the annual report
  • Facts, figures and findings:
    • How many law firms were reviewed
    • How many law firms were fully compliant
    • What are the key areas of non-compliance
    • Where can we improve
    • What the SRA expect to see next year
  • Summary

Recording of live sessions: Soon after the Learn Live session has taken place you will be able to go back and access the recording - should you wish to revisit the material discussed.

SRA AML Annual Report 2023-24 - Facts, Figures & Findings!