
Undue Influence & Fraudulent Calumny Claims & Wills - Key Challenges

Intermediate: Requires some prior subject knowledge
1.25 hours
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Undue Influence & Fraudulent Calumny Claims & Wills - Key Challenges

Available to view from 15 Sep 2025

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This webinar will explore two specific grounds of challenges to the substantial validity of a will, namely undue influence and fraudulent calumny - and how to overcome them.

It will provide a timely reminder of the key and unique principles and procedural requirements relevant to undue influence that apply to will disputes and fraudulent calumny (including by reference to key case law).

The webinar will break down these principles by way of an application to a unique case-study to demonstrate the key evidential requirements, challenges, and hurdles that can be presented when dealing with will disputes involving undue influence and fraudulent calumny, and how a practitioner can overcome these challenges and hurdles when advising a client or preparing a case.

It is suitable for solicitors and barristers that specialise in private client and contentious wills, trusts and probate work.

What You Will Learn

This webinar will cover the following:

  • Key and unique principles and procedural requirements of undue influence in the context of a challenge to the substantial validity of a will
  • Key and unique principles and procedural requirements of a challenge to the substantial validity of a will on the grounds of fraudulent calumny (and also an explanation of what fraudulent calumny is)
  • A break down and explanation of the key principles and procedural requirements including the key case law
  • Application of the key principles to a unique case-study to demonstrate the evidential requirements, challenges, and hurdles present in such cases involving a challenge to the substantial validity of a will on the grounds of undue influence and fraudulent calumny
  • Practical and tactical tips on how a practitioner can overcome such challenges and hurdles when advising a client or preparing a case

This pre-recorded webinar will be available to view from Monday 15th September 2025

Alternatively, you can gain access to this webinar and 1,700+ others via the MBL Webinar Subscription. Please email webinarsubscription@mblseminars.com for more details.

Undue Influence & Fraudulent Calumny Claims & Wills - Key Challenges