
Value & Visibility for Knowledge & Learning Professionals

Value & Visibility for Knowledge & Learning Professionals

Select a date

11 Dec 2024
12 Jun 2025


11 Dec 2024

1:00 PM ‐ 4:00 PM


12 Jun 2025

1:00 PM ‐ 4:00 PM

With a SmartPlan £144

With a Season Ticket £160

Standard price £320

All prices exclude VAT
Introduction: Requires no prior subject knowledge
3 hours
Group bookings
email us to discuss discounts for 5+ delegates


This live broadcast session will help knowledge management and learning specialists and knowledge lawyers to understand more clearly the value that they can offer within their organisations and explore the most effective ways to improve their visibility to those who need their help.

With plenty of opportunities for discussion, it will also provide opportunities for benchmarking, peer-to-peer learning and sharing practical tools and techniques for improving your visibility in your organisation.

What You Will Learn

This live and interactive session will cover the following:

  • What is value? How might each person’s definition of value differ and why?
  • How can you identify the ‘value’ of those you assist in your organisation?
  • Why do your internal clients want what you provide?
  • What is the customer buying journey and how can you use this to improve your knowledge services?
  • How can you adapt your services, methods and delivery in order to maximise the specialist value that you offer?
  • How can you become a trusted internal advisor?
  • Practical projects for raising your profile inside and outside your organisation

Recording of live sessions: Soon after the Learn Live session has taken place you will be able to go back and access the recording - should you wish to revisit the material discussed.

Value & Visibility for Knowledge & Learning Professionals