VAT & RCT in Property Transactions - A Guide for Accountants & Tax Professionals
This course is designed for accountants and tax professionals who advise clients undertaking property transactions.
It will provide practical guidance on VAT and RCT including their application, interaction and reliefs available.
Recent developments in EU case law and legislation will be included, with a discussion and review of relevant case studies.
The course will also describe common mistakes seen in practice and comment on planning opportunities.
What You Will Learn
This course will cover the following:
- The VAT and property rules (2, 5, 10 and 20 year rules)
- Scope of the Transfer of Business provisions
- Leases and licences
- Place of supply of services connected with immovable property
- VAT recovery maximisation
- Relevant Contracts Tax
- Definition of 'Construction Operations'
- Penalties for non-compliance
- Online RCT regime (eRCT)
- Non-resident principal contractors
- Review of common pitfalls