
Call Data, Cell Sites, and Internet Records - A Guide for Criminal Lawyers

Intermediate: Requires some prior subject knowledge
1.25 hours
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Call Data, Cell Sites, and Internet Records - A Guide for Criminal Lawyers

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This webinar will explore how call data records, cell site maps, and internet connection records are used in criminal proceedings.

Communications data is a major plank of evidence in any modern large-scale investigation - be it to show contact between co-conspirators, attribute a specific mobile telephone to a specific person, or to map the journey of a device to a crime scene.

For those both prosecution and defending, this webinar will take you through the use of call data records and the applicable law. The creation and presentation of cell site maps will be set out. Common uses and terms will be explored, including co-location, bed and breakfast, and top cells.

Finally, internet connection records and the process of IP address attribution will be examined.

What You Will Learn

This webinar will explore the following:

  • How call data records are obtained, reviewed, and presented in court
  • The concept and use of cell site evidence
  • The common uses of cell site evidence, with worked examples and maps
  • How internet connection records are obtained and used to identify users

This webinar was recorded on 19th October 2023

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Call Data, Cell Sites, and Internet Records - A Guide for Criminal Lawyers
