A Practical Guide to AML & Bribery
The world of AML can be hard to understand - with lots of legislation, regulations and guidance to follow. Sometimes, all we need is to be able to know how to practically deal with something in our working day.
This seminar is full of practical information on both AML and bribery with lots of tips that you can take back and use in your working life.
This course is suitable for all levels of knowledge and experience - it is an ideal beginner’s course and a great refresher for people with prior knowledge.
What You Will Learn
This course will cover the following:
Anti-Money Laundering
- What is money laundering and where did it all begin?
- Key legislation including an overview of the Proceeds of Crime Act and the Terrorism Act
- Money Laundering Regulations 2017 including the 5th Money Laundering Directive (5MLD) updates including:
- Risk assessment requirements
- Policies, controls and procedures
- Client due diligence (CDD)
- The extended definition on a PEP
- Beneficial owners
- Record keeping
- Training
- An update on the PSC Register and reporting of discrepancies
- The appointment of the MLRO and their duties
- Reporting of suspicions to the NCA and regulatory bodies
- The effect of MLR17 and Data Protection
- Penalties for getting it wrong
- What is a bribe
- Key legislation - The Bribery Act 2010
- Hospitality, gifts and entertainment
- Bribes v gifts
- What is a facilitation payment?
- Should you make charitable donations?
- The role of the Bribery Officer and their duties
- Policies, registers and controls which need to be in place