
An Insight into Virtual Data Rooms in Corporate Transactions

Introduction: Requires no prior subject knowledge
1 hour
An Insight into Virtual Data Rooms in Corporate Transactions

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Standard price £300 £75

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Configured into bite sized sections, this introductory e-learning course will provide an insight into the issues surrounding the use of data rooms in a transaction (focussing on virtual data rooms).

You can take each section at your own pace, picking up where you left off and you are able to see your progress throughout.

What You Will Learn

With interactive learning activities, audio extracts, knowledge checks and key reminder messages, the programme covers the following:

  • Section 1 - Content and structure of the data room (including classification of documents) - initial considerations
  • Section 2 - Live data room compared to virtual data room (and considerations in relation to supervision)
  • Section 3 - Virtual data room provider v cloud storage
  • Section 4 - Practicalities to consider when conducting virtual due diligence
  • Section 5 - Items to check when uploading key contracts to a virtual data room
  • Section 6 - Virtual data room rules - key items to be aware of
  • Section 7 - Wider use of virtual data room (i.e virtual deal room)

An Insight into Virtual Data Rooms in Corporate Transactions