
Transfers of Part - Drafting & Registration Issues for Conveyancers

Intermediate: Requires some prior subject knowledge
1 hour
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Transfers of Part - Drafting & Registration Issues for Conveyancers

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In the course of any conveyancing practice, you will need to sell off, buy or mortgage part only of the seller’s registered title. Whilst the underlying procedure and practice may follow transfers of the whole title there are many aspects particular to dealings of part.

As the seller is retaining the rest of the title, or selling it on to another buyer or buyers, the seller’s interest in that remaining land needs attention.

Presented by the ever popular Paul Tobias, this webinar will look at drafting issues and specimen clauses, rights and reservations, searches and the position of the seller’s and buyer’s mortgagee.

What You Will Learn

This webinar will cover the following:

  • A review of standard Form TP1- Transfer of Part - what needs to go in it and Land Registry guidance
  • A look at a more complex set of transfer clauses with specimen wording and layout
  • Plans and what can go wrong including possible requisitions, rejections and Land Registry requirements
  • Covenants you may need to add to the transfer and how to make sure they run with the land - getting them right
  • Easements and their protection - case law
  • Land Registry Searches of part a look at the OS2 format and how to complete it
  • Discharges of part - some common problems and Land Registry Practice Guide 31
  • UK Finance Handbook - what parts are relevant to dealings with part of a title

This webinar was recorded on 17th January 2023

You can gain access to this webinar and 1,700+ others via the MBL Webinar Subscription. Please email webinarsubscription@mblseminars.com for more details.

Transfers of Part - Drafting & Registration Issues for Conveyancers
