Vicarious Liability - Then, Now & the Future
The law on vicarious liability is complex and evolving but also crucial knowledge for any personal injury practitioner. This webinar will track the recent development of the test of vicarious liability; from modern, breakthrough cases in sexual abuse claims, to its wider application outside of the remit of education. Analysis will be provided on the current position; whether it successfully meets the underlying justifications for the principle of vicarious liability and the extent to which the burdens placed on employers remain proportionate to the harm being compensated for. This will include an analysis of the Supreme Court's approach and consideration of joint liability in vicarious liability claims and what scope remains for argument.
This webinar will also provide practical tips and guidance for both claimant and defendant practitioners in claims where vicarious liability is alleged, together with addressing possible future issues for the concept as a result of evolving employment practices and the increasing prevalence of agency workers and the gig economy.
What You Will Learn
This webinar will cover the following:
- The evolution of the test for vicarious liability
- A brief look at the foundations of the vicarious liability principle
- The modern development of the ‘close connection’ and ‘akin to employment’ tests
- An analysis of the current position
- Examples of situations in which the question of vicarious liability might arise
- A discussion of the most common situations in which vicarious liability might simply be conceded and those more nuanced scenarios
- A worked example of claims brought in which vicarious liability was proved and was not proved
- Practical tips on information to seek from claimant and defendant clients, relating to claims in which vicarious liability is alleged
- An overview of possible future issues arising as a result of the changing working landscape
This pre-recorded webinar will be available to view from Wednesday 18th June 2025
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